This week in 365 Days of Actionable Book Marketing, we are on a keyword roll…tweaking blog posts, growing amazon ad keyword lists, and even re-titling to get those keywords in there.

Some New Search Terms for my Amazon Keyword Ads
Tweak and refresh your best evergreen posts to boost perpetual traffic. A huge chunk of website traffic comes from “hero posts” according to the Digital Marketing Podcast. So go back and tweak yours to be SEO-friendly, using the Yoast tips on your wordpress backend. Update with new, more relevant best-practice links, then re-send it out multiple times on twitter and fb, using relevant hashtags, so the right people will find you, to get more traction. Make sure to contact people you’ve referred to and ask them to pass on the link in order to get more backlinks. Check out this post that I made changes to:
Re-title your posts to be more SEO-Friendly. Here’s what Yoast says about titles: “The title, the contents of your page’s <title> tag, is one of the single most important factors for ranking in the search results. Not only is it the literal title of the tab or browser window, it’s also the first line people see in the search results, followed by the URL and the snippet, usually the meta description combined with a date…” For more helpful tips on this, check out this article on Shoutmeoutloud. In my case, I realized all the numbers in my 365 Days of Actionable Book Marketing: Days 1-10, isn’t doing me any favors. There’s no point in the numbers and they aren’t going to help me rank. So, I’m going back over these posts to pull out the relevant tips and put them in the title.
Add more search terms to your amazon keyword ads. Robert Kroese recommends, in this informative blog post about amazon ads on Jane Friedman’s site, to use 100-200 amazon keywords at $5-10 per day. He says he always gets a positive ROI with this setup. I looked at my “also boughts” to pick author and title names of similar books for my amazon keyword ads.
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